예술사조에 따른 메이크업 이미지 지각과 감정반응에 관한 연구 : 수행자와 관찰자와의 비교를 중심으로
조선대학교 | 159 pages| 2007.02.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1064 다운로드 2
In the modern society, image-making through make-up is considered not only as a simple means for better appearance but as an importance ingredient for better impression for more effective interpersonal and social communication. The purpose of the present study is to empirically investigate the relationship between the perceptions and emotions of make-up performers and those of observers. The study explored the congruence and incongruence between make-up performers and observers in their perceptions of make-up image in an attempt to contribute to establishing a foundation for predicting make-up emotion variables of the two groups and for improving self-satisfaction and interpersonal relationship, and for the corporal customer marketing education. The study is theoretically based on the concept of art trends, their relation to make-up, and the analysis of representative characteristics of make-up images. Among the make-up images discussed in previous research, natural, romantic, and modern images based on naturalism, romanticism, and modernism were chosen as the representative images. Influenced by the art trends, each make-up image has led a make-up trend, including and reflecting the concepts and artistic characteristics.
예술사조(藝術思潮) 내추럴리즘(Naturalism) 로맨티시즘(Romanticism) 모더니즘(Modernism) 메이크업 모더니즘 2006 S/S 유행색상 2006 F/W 유행색상 2007 S/S 유행색상 메이크업 트렌드
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