인터넷미디어산업의 발전모형 연구
한남대학교 | 153 pages| 2007.02.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1402 다운로드 1
The influence of Internet media has recently developed to the extent that it overwhelms existing media such as broadcasting and newspapers. Also, there are great possibilities for Internet media industry to be established as an independent field of industry, Nevertheless, the fact is that more research is needed on how Internet media industry has been formed overall and which factors have influenced its development, Hence, the aim of this thesis is to provide a theoretical model, which enables an inquiry into the developmental process of Internet media industry.
인터넷 미디어산업 발전모형 인터넷미디어 인터넷방송 인터넷신문 포털뉴스 네이버뉴스 기술혁신이론 미디어 융합론(Media Convergence) 기술 예측론
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