전체 제목 저자 출처 학회/발행처
플래쉬를 활용한 애니메이션 디자인 수업에서 웹 기반 LT협동학습의 효과에 관한 연구 | 2007.08.01
기타 | (부산대학교)
The present study purposed to examine the effects of Web-based LT Cooperative Learning strategy in instruction using Flash on the learners` learning attitude, academic achievement and instruction satisfaction. For this purpose, we set research questions as follows. Research Question 1: Is there a difference in learning attitude according to the pattern of learning between the LT Cooperative Learning group and the conventional learning in Instruction using Flash? Research Question 2: Is there a difference in academic achievement according to the pattern of learning between the LT Cooperative Learning group and the conventional learning in instruction using Flash? Research Question 3: Is there difference in instruction satisfaction according to the pattern of learning between the LT Cooperative Learning group and the conventional learning in instruction using Flash? The subjects of this study were 56 students at two classes of `Practical Computer(Ⅲ)` which is a compulsory cultural subject at P University, in 2007. The class utilizing LT Cooperative Learning was executed for 8 weeks from March to April, 2007.
탈식민주의 담론으로 본 해방 전후 한국 건축가의 정체성 | 2007.02.01
기타 | (부산대학교)
이 논문의 목적은 탈식민주의 담론으로 해방 전후 한국 건축가의 정체성을 재해석하는 것이다. 이것은 기존의 한국 근대건축사 연구에서 전제된 서양 중심의 역사서술과 거시사의 한계를 성찰하는 입장에서 비롯되었다. 왜냐하면 탈식민주의 담론은 근대 이후 서양 우위의 정치사 · 경제사 · 사회사 위주의 거대담론을 비판적으로 재고찰하고, 거시사에서 삭제된 다양한 식민지 타자들의 역사를 재발굴하는 관점이기 때문이다. 또한 정체성에 대한 연구는 미시적인 시각으로 구체적인 개인들의 다양한 현실을 정밀하게 들여다보는 작업이다. 따라서 이 논문은 학제간의 경계를 넘나드는 자료, 주변화된 지식, 사회적 타자의 육성이 담긴 자료까지 연구 대상으로 삼는다. 이러한 연구 배경과 목적을 바탕으로 살펴본 해방 전후 한국 건축가의 정체성은 단절이 아닌 연속선상에 있었다. 한국에서 근대적 건축가의 출현은 일제의 식민교육과 식민정책에서 비롯되었고, 그 경험과 기억은 물리적인 해방과 동시에 사라지는 것은 아니기 때문이다. 식민지 피지배자 태생이면서 문화적으로는 지배자를 닮았던 근대적 건축가 1세대의 내면세계는 지배자에게 저항하면서 동시에 모방하는 이율배반적인 혼종성을 가졌다.
전시·컨벤션 서비스에 대한 고객의 지각된 특성이 체험과 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 | 2007.08.01
광고와 마케팅 | (부산대학교)
The Convention industry is a synthetic service industry which has not only the information effect of making the tourist resources and cultures of the venues known all though the world but also for reaching economic and social effects. These days, Exhibition and Convention Services are a popular medium for promoting products and services. However, much of the existing literature on ECSs(Exhibition and Convention Services). Despite, this preoccupation, surprisingly little research has been used to examine the ECSs` essential characteristic in marketing. In the ECSs` essential characteristic, many researches have not handled the process that ECSs` subjects(organizer, exhibitor, visitor) is experiencing. This study is designed to examine how ECSs` subject, specially exhibitors and visitors, evaluate the quality of the physical evidences and motivation, how the evaluation of the perceived characteristic influences the perceived experience, the overall satisfaction, loyalty, and performance. The major purposes of this study with this proposition are as follows:
복합패션이미지에 나타난 감성디자인 연구 | 2007.08.01
광고크리에이티브 | (부산대학교)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the sensible design of the compound fashion image. The specific objectives were ; 1) to analyze design property of the compound fashion image. 2) to investigate the meaning structure of sensibility of the compound fashion image. 3) to investigate about fashion sensibility of components of the compound fashion image. 4) to investigate the relationship between design property and fashion sensibility of components of the compound fashion image. 5) to Present the model of sensible design development on the compound fashion image. To analyze design property 340 fashion collection pictures of 1995 S/S~2004 F/W were get out of the fashion magazines and fashion online site `style.com`. They were classified to 4 cultural categories which are man/woman, main/subcultural, local/global, past/present. And to analyze fashion sensibility 55 stimulus and questionnaire which consisted of bi-polar 21 pairs adjective scale were contributed 675 20`s men and women living in Busan area.
글로벌생산체제와 OEM 생산구조에 관한 진화경제학적 분석 : 스포츠화산업의 OEM 생산구조를 중심으로 | 2007.02.01
광고와 마케팅 | (부산대학교)
This paper deals with the global production system of the athletic footwear industry. Its arm is to investigate the structure of the international production fragmentation and the relationships between buyers and original equipment manufacturers(OEMs). An evolutionary game is applied to analyze the buyers’ transaction strategies in the athletic footwear industry. At the same time a simulation model for the dynamics of the industry shows how the fluctuation of the market share across the time occurs in industry evolution due to the manufacturing strategies and production system. I have analyzed whether or not the relationships between buyers and OEMs can be an evolutionarily stable state(ESS). This paper shows that the unique ESS consists of the buyers based on high quality products playing the partnership strategy and the buyers-based on low quality products playing the market-based.
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