산업클러스터의 형성에 관한 연구 : 광주 광산업 클러스터 사례분석을 중심으로
조선대학교 | 160 pages| 2006.10.01| 파일형태 :
조회 791 다운로드 0
The purpose of the study is, to contribute to understanding and analysing what factors and social-politicaI interaction drive on Gwangju Photonics cluster formation. A summary of the key findings of the study is as follows. The findings reveal that the primary factor for Gwangju Photonics Cluster formation is brought about by the political and economic situation, which are combined with a central government influence, regional characteristics lagging behind in growth, and the cooperation of the industry - academy - research for the formulation , and execution of Photonics projects. The second finding indicates that university`s participation on selecting new growth industries is an important factor. In particular, university`s research experts, who are the core group of innovation, have partaken on designing Photonics Projects, which are adopted by Gwangju city government and further taken as the central government policies, as having drawn attention to university and industry communities at local levels. The third finding shows that key basic industries, which are centered on electricity and electronics parts companies, are highly connected with Photonics industries in Gwangju city. The industries related leads to a major factor to be concentrated in Gwangju city. The final finding suggests that companies are clustered in a certain place where the government-supported infrastructure for innovation are concentrated.
산업클러스터 신 산업공간이론 해외 산업클러스터 광산업 광주 광산업의 현황
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