문신 시술 행위의 합법화 방안에 관한 연구
조선대학교 | 131 pages| 2007.02.23| 파일형태 :
조회 1113 다운로드 0
Today is a multi-cultural era which has various modes of life and self-expression is commonly accepted by most people. Addition to that, new values got to appear in diversity of fields affected by post-modernism at the end of 20th century. With this social atmosphere, recognition of human body began to change and that helped to give birth to the new genre of body art. However, body art has been existing through men`s history under the name of tattoo which was initially developed for a healing method or a occult art. Through old times of korea, tattoo was mainly used as a symbol of criminals and especially in Cho-sun dynasty it had negative recognition under the influence of Confucianism. With changing recognition of tattooing and attitudes towards self-expression, general public`s thought about tattoo also has been changed gradually, so it seems to be accepted in a way of beauty culture or art. However, laws and policies are not coping with the situation, which means tattooing in korea is still definite illegal activity. In foreign countries tattooers or similar service providers` treatment is accepted legally.
문신 문신시술 문신의 사회적표현 문신의 사회적의미 한국 문신 대중문화 문신 시술 행위
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