낙안읍성민속마을의 주공간 변용과 보전에 관한 연구
조선대학교 | 291 pages| 2007.02.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1041 다운로드 0
This study examines and analyzes transformation of traditional dwelling space by residents at Nagan folk village of six traditional folk villages in Korea which completed remodelling from conservative view and is to suggest new conservative methods to apply it to the five folk villages which began the secondary remodeling work by finding out conservative method collecting transformation phenomena. Residents` transformation of individual dwelling space is progressive and accumulative phenomena and such a process damages spatial structure of folk village gradually and it is urgent to present a new conservative direction which can collect conservation and transformation in the conflict relationship. Methods and contents used to accomplish the above purposes include these ;
낙안읍성민속마을 주공간변용 주공간보전 문화재보존 문화재보전 주거공간의 변용실태
저작권 안내 및 사용범위와 규정
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