출판물 등에 의한 명예훼손죄 연구
조선대학교 | 173 pages| 2007.02.01| 파일형태 :
조회 874 다운로드 0
The purpose of this study is to obtain reasonable and valid conclusions through examinations of libel relating to issued publications based on criminal codes through bibliographical research. These days, new media such as newspapers, magazines, televisions and the internet network have worked as a means to improve freedom of expression and organize the order of democracy. However, evil practices are occurring due to mass media, one of which is libel. In addition, as current society has become hugh and urbanized thanks to development of communication equipment and technology, the liber cases are getting complex and diversified, and they have caused many large damages. As democratic countries have to create and maintain democratic political orders by integrating opinions of the majority based on free formation and delivery of public opinions, the freedom of expression, in particular, on public matters should be guaranteed as an important constitutional right.
명예훼손죄 출판물 위법성조각사유 언론 · 출판의 자유 형법 제310조 형법 제307조 형법 제308조 공인 공익성
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