TV 프로그램 등급제의 인식 및 효율적 운용을 위한 실증 연구
한국외국어대학교 | 184 pages| 2007.02.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1707 다운로드 1
The purpose of this study is not only to give efficient and effective guidelines for how to improve TV program grading system, but also to observe general opinion of stakeholders related to TV broadcasting. Specifically, the first objective is to distinguish between the harmfulness of TV programs and their harmlessness upon children. In so doing, researches were conducted on the parents, primary school teacher, broadcasting producer to see their opinion about TV program grading system. In addition to that, the children`s attitude and behavior watch the TV were also measured. The second objective is to provide effective suggestions for TV program grading system on the basis of research results. This study was conducted through a survey and Q-methodology experiment. The respondents of this survey are 76 parents of children, 104 primary school teachers, 672 primary school students (6th grade) and 72 broadcasting producers. They were given some questionnaire for the opinion and perception on TV program grading system.
TV 프로그램 등급제 폭력성 선정성 사회학습이론(social learning theory) 내용규제 시청자 내용등급제
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