Globalizing the MEDIHEAL Brand: L&P Cosmetic’s Collaboration with BTS
한국마케팅연구 | 한국마케팅학회 | 21 pages| 2020.03.11| 파일형태 :
조회 487 다운로드 0
L&P Cosmetic, the leading company selling mask packs on the global market, produces MEDIHEAL, the number-one best-selling mask pack brand in Korea and the best-selling imported mask pack brand in China (2017). The company pioneered the premium market for mask packs through its launch of premium mask packs in 2009, and has subsequently achieved outstanding success in Korea and China. Three key factors have contributed to the success of L&P Cosmetic: product leadership with R&D capability, strategic marketing programs tailored for each market segment, and operational excellence focusing on strategic outsourcing and partnership management. Nonetheless, globalization beyond the Chinese market remains a major challenge for the potential of L&P Cosmetic. The company has embarked upon a collaboration with BTS, the world’s top K-pop stars, as an optimally effective way to achieve its goals and a highly efficient strategy to manage the risks of globalization.
The global branding collaboration project with BTS has succeeded in generating primary demand for mask packs on the global market, spreading brand awareness of MEDIHEAL, and establishing global channel networks. L&P Cosmetic will continue to grow worldwide on the basis of this outstanding performance.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Company Background
Ⅲ. L&P Cosmetic’s Market Leadership
Ⅳ. L&P Cosmetic’s Next Mission: Globalization via Collaboration with BTS
Ⅴ. Conclusion
#Mask pack #L& #P Cosmetic #MEDIHEAL #BTS #Collaboration #Global Branding
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