인터넷 워터 아미 이해하기: 영역, 특성, 목적, 메시지 및 어포던스, 결과
Asian Communication Research | 한국언론학회 | 20 pages| 2024.09.09| 파일형태 :
조회 120 다운로드 0
The Internet and social media bring many benefits to individuals, groups, organizations, and society. However, some users, groups, agents, businesses, institutions, and governments also manipulate and deceive the online environment, fostering negative consequences. This article describes one specific manifestation of this phenomenon: the Internet Water Army, a growing Internet/social media phenomenon, especially in China. There has been no robust framework for referring to the Internet Water Army, nor an integrated social science review of this type of Internet/social media user, thus creating gaps and contradictions in discussions and research about it. First, the article defines, with examples, first the general domain of organized multiple online postings or contributions, second thecontributions, the more specific domain of paid posters or influencers promoting misinformation, and third the particular case of the Internet Water Army. Then, the explanation identifies four central dimensions of the Internet Water Army?characteristics (user demographics and activities, organization and process), purposes (at individual, organizational, and political levels), messages (content and valence) and an affordance (visibility), and consequences (desirable/(desirable/undesirable, direct/indirect, and anticipated/unanticipated)?with a wide variety of examples. The article ends with a discussion of several theoretical perspectives that could increase our understanding of phenomena such as the Internet Water Army.
#China#explication#Internet Water Army#social influencers#social mediaChina#media
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