Issues and Challenges of Qualitative Research Methods Education in Communication
Asian Communication Research | 한국언론학회 | 16 pages| 2024.10.08| 파일형태 :
조회 107 다운로드 0
The current research undertook in-depth interviews with 13 undergraduates majoring in communication to explore how they understood qualitative research methods and how they perceive the value of the methods after taking a qualitative research methods course. Thematic analysis of the data showed that students identified in-depth interviews as valuable tools that provided honest answers from the people of interest. Students came to understand the strengths and uniqueness of each data-gathering method with their perception changed after taking the course. However, they still found qualitative research methods to be difficult and challenging. The findings suggest that contextual factors negatively influenced the students’ evaluation of qualitative methods; nonetheless, participants still wanted to learn qualitative methods well to boost their skills for the job market. Interviews also revealed that the knowledge and skills in quantitative research methods influenced students’ understanding and evaluation of the methods. Based on these findings, the current study suggests ways in which instructors could strengthen qualitative methods courses to gain more leverage in undergraduate programs. Topics for follow-up studies are suggested and their implications are discussed.
#qualitative research methods#research education#communication curriculum#research methods education in higher educationresearch education
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